Author Topic: No Net Brutality!  (Read 1018 times)


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No Net Brutality!
« on: 15 May 2010, 04:51 »
On April 6th 2010, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and decided that the internet does not fall under its watchful eye. At issue was “net neutrality”, the veiled push by the FCC and left-wing organizations to dramatically expand the powers of government. “Net neutrality” proponents aim to set prices and restrict internet access provided by internet companies.

Having failed in their litigation to control internet access, the FCC is now using its powerful influence to sway law makers in Congress. Specifically, the FCC and its big government supporters want the internet to be re-classified as a traditional utility company under the 80 year-old legislation. This would give the FCC the power it craves to control the internet, just like it controlled the telephone and television for the last century.

Despite its inoffensive name, “net neutrality” is actually “net brutality”. It will harass internet users around the world. Once bureaucrats are in charge of setting prices and restricting internet access, and the FCC control mechanism is in place, it is only a very small step towards content censorship, taxes on internet use, and ultimately, one world government with a global internet czar bluntly running the worldwide web.