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Programming: Past, Present, Future

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I'm going to try to be nice, because you're overblown from studying and exams and whatnot.  But dude, a teenage girl with a mobile phone can build a blog just as well as anyone.  And C is useful for a lot of things, not just finding large primes.  In your example above, I would likely pick programmer number one, just because anybody that knows C and C++ well can probably learn loosely typed languages quickly, has experience chasing deep bugs, knows how to compile and comment, and is likely a fairly organized programmer.  Such a person can probably pick up HTML and CSS over a weekend, and be fairly proficient in JavaScript and Python within a couple weeks, because they have a good solid structured programming background.  I'm not at all certain that the reverse is true.

Old member Stryker used to build decent apps in C++, wish he was still around.

I agree with Worker201.

Python is a nice language to learn first, but if X is prevalent in your industry, learn X instead. You'll learn a lot about programming, even if it's COBOL. Picking up Python won't be so hard afterwards.

I think I'd hire programmer #1. Although programmer #2 knows how to do plots, he is probably not great at filling them up with correct data. :)

A programmer in this day and age should be impressing people with their work after a few months of commitment, not a few years imo. There are thousands of people who are like this now.

There is definitely a time and a place for each type of programmer, but I'd prefer to encourage someone new to do new and exciting things, not go down the same path so many people have been going down for decades (example me: I leanred C and even started learning assembly: clearly, I simply had too much time on my hands), and becoming just a script kiddie.

Then again there are two different purposes of programming, it depends on what type of mind you're dealing with, and most people will figure out what they want.

I don't know what it's like in England (or Australia), but in the US, there are no jobs for 'programmers'.  Companies are hiring employees with 3-5 years experience doing software projects using languages x, y, and z.  If you know languages a, b, and c, you're shit out of luck, no matter how good you are.  So really, this discussion is sorta academic.  Again, know what is being used in your field.


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