All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

XP-Mandrake Dual boot tip


I have a dual boot E-machines 667ir with Mandrake 8.1 and ME on it. As you all know, ME is worthless crap. So I decided to see what all the hubub was on XP. I selected UPGRADE instead of clean install, and was very surprised to see that it did not trash my MBR. After the upgrade EVERYTHING worked, I could still dual boot with no problems. I still like Linux better. I did not realize that Microsoft merged with Fisher Price.

As you can see, XP is very stable.
quote: I did not realize that Microsoft merged with Fisher Price.
--- End quote ---

yea. You can change all of those settings by using TweakUI from

 Or even better - get some badass themes from Theme XP.  Be sure to check out the "How to Install Section".

*ugh* Mandrake.

*utters barely-audible moans about the bloated, newbie distro*

I agree mojo!!  Who the hell needs GUI's? A real linux guru uses command lines.. Microsoft hasnt brought out a decent OS since DOS...To hell with the newbies.. A person should either be born into this or leave it alone.. I hate looking at stupid pictures on my monitor.. If I want to look at a picture, I will look at the one on my wall...    Fuck Newbies!!!

ha! bring back punch cards and fat-fingered switches i say!
you command line pussies don't know when you've got it good!
Christ it makes me hard to spend weeks on a set of punch cards only to have to search through them all for the one mistake i made!
<sarcasm mode off>


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