Operating Systems > Linux and UNIX
Fedora 13 out today
Do you not know the ultra cool unix move window shortcut? alt and drag
alt and middle click to resize
It turns out that the DVD I originally tried to burn didn't work because the media is fucking shit.
I noticed that I could fit my finger nail in between the two layers in the middle of the DVD and that that started to delaminate, I inserted a pen tip and the two layers came apart.
It's a branded DVD too, Maxell, anyone else had a similar problem?
Unfortunately I didn't investigate the rewritable CD I had problems with, I'll have a look and destroy it when I find it. It's probably just been used too much or is scratched or something.
It often happens when you store the CD's in an open casing.
Those extra expensive plastic covers for CD-R's are there to protect against humidity.
You should also never use CD-R's or DVD-R's to store important data, they're not built to last.
I find that Emtec makes the best rewritable disks, they last a bit longer.
It looks like sunlight fucked them. A CD kept in the right environment will last longer than any of us.
Well I don't know how they've been stored as I just fount them lying around at work, so yes maybe storage conditions were a factor.
--- Quote from: piratePenguin on 30 May 2010, 04:11 ---Do you not know the ultra cool unix move window shortcut? alt and drag
alt and middle click to resize
--- End quote ---
Just tried that out now, it certainly works but it's still a fail because it's supposed to be user friendly and only an experienced user would know how to do that.
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