Well I don't know how they've been stored as I just fount them lying around at work, so yes maybe storage conditions were a factor.
Do you not know the ultra cool unix move window shortcut? alt and drag
alt and middle click to resize
Just tried that out now, it certainly works but it's still a fail because it's supposed to be user friendly and only an experienced user would know how to do that.
Clearly Fedora need to find a way to teach users the systems. Perhaps they could have a floating icon that provides suggestions on a moment by moment basis. This could give the user a possible remedy, ask if it didn't work, and provide more choices. It could look like a paperclip, but that guy is notorious, it could be a cute penguin. Because users will shun this learning assistant, they could hide the option in a sysctl under proc which the user finds out how to switch off... once the Tux Clip is done teaching them.
Really though, what happened! A few years ago we all used to bitch about how Microsoft's
monopoly kept users in the dark and fed them bullshit. We laughed in hysterics about Microsoft Bob, we shared leet tips, Void-Main saved us all from all kinds of shit and taught us a lot. Now something is ruined for not being enough like Microsoft Bob.