Operating Systems > macOS
app store gpl violation
You don't get viruses on Windows XP either as long as you don't use shitware or warez from BitTorrent and use a restricted account for normal computer use.
There are some legacy programs require an administrator account to run. Fortunately it is easy to create an account with the required privileges to run a specific program run it from a restricted account using a script.
The trouble is, an administrator account is the default setting and the average user doesn't know anything about writing scripts.
I wasn't actually talking about viruses - more like the Culture of Viruses that surrounds Windows. The Windows computer experience is solely responsible for the concepts of computer viruses and Trojan horses being a part of the collective conscience. Without Microsoft, those ideas would have remained the exclusive knowledge of hackers and IT insiders. That's one of Microsoft's real accomplishments, for better or worse.
Also, you bring up an interesting side point - Microsoft's hands are somewhat tied. Their customers demand administrative control and then complain when administrative control bites them in the ass. Security, and the ability to rampage at will through your own computer without any safeguards or checkpoints, are mutually exclusive.
--- Quote ---Without Microsoft, those ideas would have remained the exclusive knowledge of hackers and IT insiders. That's one of Microsoft's real accomplishments, for better or worse.
--- End quote ---
This is complete fucking bullshit, hobbyists were writing viruses in assembler for 8 bit systems in the 80s, and early 16 bit systems including macs. Writing a self replicating program that was either annoying or harmful has been done a million times, it didn't start on Windows. What Windows really started was ORDINARY PEOPLE HAVING ACCESS TO THE TUBES. The viruses came through those tubes.
If I remember correctly, one of the first viruses was for UNIX, long before Windows.
So if we all started running BSD in 1985, would we have as many viruses and trojans and adware and spyware today? I won't suggest we would be virus-free, but I think it would be significantly less.
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