All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Windows 2000 SP3
So I am setting up a new Dell that our department got in and running the typical updates and such when in walks by boss and tells me that we are not to install SP3 because to combat viruses and such M$ has disabled the ability to download .exe files...
Well I have been doing some reading and have failed to find anywhere any mention of such a feature/flaw of the SP.
Granted I am not a big fan of Windows (I run Red Hat and OpenOffice at home) but at work we are in a 2k dominent inviroment. I would say most of our systems are 2k.
Has anyone heard of this or know anything about it or if t here is any truth to it at all. If so could you post an article location so I can understand this more...
Doesn't sound much like a M$ move IMHO, viruses are good for M$ business as when most "normal" users get a virus they just buy a new computer.
nope, never heard of it, sounds like bullshit. in the absence of any decent info on this subject, i would just let the windows machines go to shit, and throw up your hands if they ever point the finger at you. 'it's closed source software!' you can say, 'if only we had proper open source software this would never have happened!'...
oh yes, and welcome to the board! :D
LOL thanks for the welcome, drat I was almost hoping someone here had heard of it.
So it would give another reason to push for Linux on our desktops (boss hates it when I keep pushing for linux)...
The biggest reply is always, how can something that shows every programmer in the world its flaws be secure when everyone knows how to break it.
My reply is always, you just answered your own question...
Still pushing Linux...
the answe is, if it has to show all o its flaws, it cannot afford to have any flaws, so it doesn't.
How can an operating system that keeps its flaws from the world ever have a hope of being secure, or of eliminating its flaws? it is an accident waiting to happen.
Agreed, but try to convince a 50+ year old lady that has been with MS since DOS 6.2 (i think) days and thinks its the greatest thing ever.
Not to mention she think PHP is full of spyware because its free along with mySQL...
Forced to script in asp (save me)
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