All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Windows 2000 SP3

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Yes, you're right.

About all the win2k sp3 stuff.  I unfortunetly downloaded all the sp3 updates and IE6.  I just learned about all this micro-secret crap this week.  My school uses 2k so I use it to run the same apps.  We also use Unix on Solaris and Intel machines.
I can say that I have no problem downloading .exe's from anywhere.

I also think a HUGE reason that M$ is still standing is that they can rub shoulders with; Intel, Large Software Companies, Big Business(no business students want to learn ANYTHING they don't have to about software) and of course all the learning institutions out there.  Donations, dontations, donations.  The real brains in the business don't spend their time slinging mud at M$, they just try to use everything to further computer science for the good of technology and advancements in research.  Much like the Physicists of today and the earlier 1900's.  I think everyone could do better for the "cause" as so many put it by continuing to use cross platform products and move toward bridging all software together.  

I've heard of Lindows and I think its ingenious.  The only way to make the game fair is let everyone play at the same level.  Killing M$ is almost impossible.  They have so much money that they can get almost anyone on their side.  If consumers really don't like their products anymore they will reinvent themselves and come out with a new idea altogether.  Hell, they probably already have other companies already started and flourishing.  

Even if home consumers drop M$, its all up to those business students who want a platform that will conform to all of their customers and clients.  Can you imagine one big business making the switch?  They would have to retrain everyone right down to the pretty secretaries.  Try teaching a 55 year old project engineer a new software layout.  Its just like websites, the people that know computers like plain always up to date, no broken links pages.  The computer half-literate like flashy, fun, fast, bubbly crap.  Until we can move alternatives to a fun, flashy, easy, cross-platform GUI, we are all just doing more work than we should be.  

As a community we need to decide on a project, ONE project that can meet more of these needs.  There are more computer half-literates out there than admins, webmasters, etc. and these are the people that spend the money.  Nobody can work for free forever.  The negativity should cease and we should use the tools we have (unlimited information sharing) to create the every-man's OS.

You probably don't use UNIX on Solaris, but you may use Solaris on Sun hardware.

Give that 55 year old more credit. Chances are he was in the business before there was a Microsoft and probably squirmed quite hardily when he was "forced" to use that Microsoft garbage by the new kid.

The OS you speak of has been in development for 10 years now. It's more than ready for many many uses. There will be absolutely no use for any Microsoft products in the very near future as long as Palladium doesn't get forced down our throats. Many companies are making the switch now.

[ October 21, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]


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