All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Windows 3.xx, OS or not?
dos distribution?
Who really gives a fuck. It's only a means of saying win3.x, win9x is the same old shit.
--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez on 1 June 2010, 15:15 ---Was DOS really an OS?
Lots of programs bypassed many DOS functions anyway, although most used it for file operations.
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This is pretty valid because DOS is less complex than the grub bootloader! Yeah, all DOS really is, is the most memory efficient FAT16 driver ever conceived. Though, DR-DOS has a multitasker for DOS that was quite handy when I could find use for it. Until you try getting two programs to use the packet driver, which wasn't designed for such black magic and reboots the computer in protest of the dark arts. There is even a HTTP webserver for DOS I have found out there with CGI support. I should get out a 386 from a cupboard and put it online.
--- Quote from: piratePenguin on 1 June 2010, 15:46 ---dos distribution?
Who really gives a fuck. It's only a means of saying win3.x, win9x is the same old shit.
--- End quote ---
Windows 9x was about as based on DOS as Linux distributions loaded from DOS. There is a DOS program that loads the kernel, initrd, and then boots. This probably still bloody works when I think about it. There was even a driver (might still be there) in the kernel to extend FAT16 into having Unix permissions and long file names, and a whole distro called DOS4LINUX or something like that.
Windows 9x was terrible because it had no concept of user seperation. This bad habit was inherited by DOS as back then Microsoft treated its customers like retards and didn't want to change the way they think too much. This was hilarious because when I was like 8 years old the school got Windows 95 and even had a Windows 95 fileserver. All us kids had our own folder, but we could dump stuff in anyones. I drew a picture of a dong or something and put it in a grade 1s folder for her surprise.
The teacher however could identify what computer was used to put the file there, and what time it was. I know this because I denied the allegations until she shown me herself. Apparently what I did wasn't very nice, but I think this memory is grand because it is the first time I used a computer to intimidate to troll using the phallus. Yeah, I am off topic.
DOS was the OS (hence its name)
Windows was a GUI, with extensions.
Try running Windows 1, 2 or 3 without DOS, you can't. Why? Because you have no OS.
You can even run MS Windows on DR-DOS, as well as MS DOS, thus proving it to be purely an extension to the OS, because it can run under more than one OS, even.
If MS Windows 3.xx is an OS, then emacs is an OS.
emacs isnt an os?
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