All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Windows Geniune Pain in the Arse
Windows Server 2008 R2 has this wonderful feature which checks if your copy of Windows 2008 R2 is genuine periodically and if it isn't it shuts down the system. This is pretty typical behavior of Microsoft, and it appears to have some bugs. For example, Microsoft doesn't know I am using a pirate copy - it claims it is activated and all that - yet it decided to shut it down. When looking up what the hell wlms.exe is and why it is shutting down my computer I found some pretty annoying cases. One guy was using the evaluation quite legally to test the software for his company to see if they want it, and the bugs started shutting it down. His company won't run the software now because it failed the uptime requirements.
Ironically, in the thread a Microsoft VP explains how to remove the permissions of the program causing all the trouble so it simply can't shut down the computer. I find this hilarious because this Microsoft employee has had to write what is in effect a Windows 2008 R2 crack to solve this problem and stop scaring away customers. On top of that, I have realized that if it shuts down the server every hour that you can just schedule a task to reboot the server every 45 minutes. Do this with two clustered servers a good ten minutes apart, and you can do this without downtime.
They might as well just be good sports about this and anally rape winlogon.exe like they do on XP. Oh wait, we could still administer the server via powershell and the management console via Windows RPC. Fucking idiots. They could just not bother with copy protection on server copies, and sue the big earners using pirate copies the old fashioned way. They would scare away less customers.
Copy protection is one of mankinds worst ever ideas.
--- Quote from: piratePenguin on 8 June 2010, 23:48 ---Copy protection is one of mankinds worst ever ideas.
--- End quote ---
Unless you use crypto and real DRM techniques its usually just trouble to legit users and potential customers. That isn't really possible with the operating system.
--- Quote from: Kintaro on 8 June 2010, 23:58 ---
--- Quote from: piratePenguin on 8 June 2010, 23:48 ---Copy protection is one of mankinds worst ever ideas.
--- End quote ---
Unless you use crypto and real DRM techniques its usually just trouble to legit users and potential customers. That isn't really possible with the operating system.
--- End quote ---
"trouble to legit users" is not where I am coming from, in my opinion every person every fucking animal on the planet (this includes record company bosses :) ) should be considered a "legitimate user" of all the ideas, art and culture around them.
Copying should be encouraged, and I believe that one day in the prehaps not too distant future it will be. More and more people are growing up whose music, film tastes etc are moulded by what they get off their friends - illegally (I can mention almost all of my friends and myself here). And when these and more people grow up, and (I should say vested, but they are also all of this) stupid greedy animals die, we might eventually copy this idea: copying is sharing, and that's good for spirits.
This is, of course, an optimistic remark about the future. There is so much corrupted power involved that it's hard to know. But I know where I'm standing.
Besides, I'm absolutely sure it says in the bible that copy protection is lame.
Well, I think that is stupid for numerous reasons. Firstly, as an artist (and more of a hobby artist) I know that most artists want to be able to make a living from the work they do. There is more to the expenses than printing costs and bandwidth bills, musicians and writers actually have to eat and pay their bills while they write their music and generally enjoy themselves. Life is supposed to be about attaining happiness, and by 'copying' or 'pirating' or 'stealing' - however you want to say it - you are destroying that opportunity for the artists. The exact same applies to programmers.
Of course, copyright law and patent laws as they stand are primitive and coercive. They have stopped performing a function and have always done it at too great of a cost. This is why I am an advocate of things like TPM. I hope there will be a day that I can chose to only release my work in TPM garbled form and you can chose only to pay. Doing anything about it would put the blood of coercion on the hands of the freetards.
Anyway, your above post doesn't really objectively justify anything. You talk about mystic things like it being "good for spirits" and "bad in the bible." This is mysticism and it is pretty sickening since you seem to claim to be some sort of reasonable atheist. Reasonable except when it gets you a free ride. Another option to TPM would be building city walls, and throwing people like you outside of them for having nothing to contribute to society.
I don't know what you mean about corrupted power. It seems your entire view on this is poorly defined. What corrupted power? The fact that Tolkien had to buy tobbacco and food for over a decade to write The Lord of the Rings? That is just an objective necessity of human survival and for great long term things to exist society requires a means of exchange and freedom of contract. That is, I agree to publish my lifes work, and by reading it you agree to pay for it to help cover the costs of working on it for my entire life.
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