All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Lost my Email last year
I was wondering if anyone knows how to repair
an inbox.dbx file, Last year I lost all my email
(around 35,000) msgs. I admit That I was very sloppyby letting my inbox grow that large. I know better now, and store my msgs in folders. But I did back up the old inbox.dbx (bout 600 megs)
before I erased it. Every thing works fine now,
but I would love to be able to restore those old msgs from that old file. I tried importing on a diff computer and into eudora but no luck. As many of you know by now, Inbox.dbx mysteriously grows larger even when empty..
[ August 22, 2002: Message edited by: biochimp ]
It grows larger even when empty because it is a database that requires "compacting" after deleting messages. There is an option for this in one of the menus. As far as repairing your old dbx file you might try asking your question at
Master of Reality:
if your not getting paid by, you should be.
Well, I just happened to be in a good mood and decided to help him rather than telling him to get rid of his luser OS. The next guy might have to pay double...
Why don't you try the inbox repair tool...can't remember what menu item that was on...just read the help file.
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