Look, sticks and stones may break your bones but names will never hurt you. I am Microsoft's defense - albeit a shitty one - I like that position. You can call me a troll all you want, but the real reason I fire up your nerves is because you can't stand anyone who doesn't agree with you. Grow up. Me and Calum love eachother outside this board - that might surprise you. Be a good sport!
You should be a comedian.
It seemed to me like Calum, irrespective of what he said - what he said about leaving I could not wrap my head around, could not stand to listen to my arguments. In any argument you are likely to be the first to resort to stupid off the point remarks and other bullshit, including personal attacks.
I read (for the most part) your posts and I give my opinion or explain myself. Now, you are full of shit once more.
Btw, more bullshit on the sticks and stones - I was not worried about
me when I banned you - I did that for this forum.
It is no surprise to me that you are friends with Calum outside of here. I don't think anybody here
won't miss Calums contribution (I would not say this about you), but if he thinks we're single-celled people on here, then I have to disagree. I really do not understand what was wrong when he left, but I don't wanna know anymore about it either. It was my suggestion, at the beginning of the discussion in which he left, that the whole thing is very complicated and would be best left aside - anybody's opinion is up in the air about the state of the world without current copyright protection. I said this, and then I added some brain food to the discussion, and then we got into the discussion - which is really about beliefs, and then he said fuck off and left. That's the way I saw it. He did not open his mind to my ideas, and nor have you. So get the fuck off your high horse silly boy. You can accuse me of the same thing -- that much is fine. But I do not buy this:
"You can call me a troll all you want, but
the real reason I fire up your nerves is because
you can't stand anyone who doesn't agree with you."
you were not been trying to fire me up more than most other people before I banned you. This is not why I banned you (as I've said).
Btw, I would stand you, and I CERTAINLY stand Calum, and I CERTAINLY stand Aloone Jonez who I've had a tonne of arguments with before, and everyone else on this forum. The issue I take with you
on this forum is wrt your treatment of
other contributing members. Also I don't agree that your type of language should be allowable on any forum, especially one that attracts lots of kids. Have I mentioned your opinions?? This is not it my friend, but believe what you believe and troll if you want, I obviously won't say anymore of this right here.
Here's a header for your next post.
GOOD TROLL: (By Kintaro)