All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Bye Bye Win$hit!!!!
Master Windu:
Thankyou to VoidMain for helping me with my DSL configuration. The power of my new SuSE Linux system is now complete. In fact, as soon as I am finished with this post, it is "Format C:" time.
I am posting this in the Winblow$ forum strictly to convet the fact to people that there is an alternative. My first exposure to Linux came only last year, and still, everyday is an adventure with it. There is always something new to be learned, and everytime you log on, it is like being in a class with a good teacher. It holds you in, and keeps you there...and you gain so much from it.
Think of the blessings. No more spyware, no more price-gouged upgrades, no more M$ BULLSHIT. It is freedom...the way a computer should be run. And, if you are considering getting into programming or networking, for $80 at CompUSA, SuSE Linux is your ticket. You can't ask for a better tool, and when you hit the Linux sites on the Web with all of you questions, you can't ask for greater people to help you. Just try the alternative: Buy an M$ product (for a fucking 900% mark-up in price) and see how much support you get.
Ctrl Alt Del 123:
Last time I called for support from MS, they actually fixed my problem, and was free of charge.
quote:Originally posted by Ctrl Alt Del 123:
Last time I called for support from MS, they actually fixed my problem, and was free of charge.
--- End quote ---
Just when exactly did that happen and what was the nature of the problem that they fixed?
Just wanna say, I just got Mandrake 8.2. Total Linux Newbie. I got an AMD K6 III 450 on a motherboard that won't allow it to be configured as anything higher than 400. Was expecting all sorts of probs. And yes I got one, went to Mandrake site and lo and behold a bug fix, with instructions for use.
I ran the patch and then the installation did what it was supposed to. The point here is that EVERY time I have upgraded a M$ product something else has always failed, resulting in more bug fixes. Now I have to figure out how to make the PC secure for the internet, I think I'll soon figure this out, after all the Mandrake distro has some good reference manuals - when was the last time M$ issued good manuals with their software? and port all my PC stuff. Don't think it will be hard somehow. My only prob. now is learning Linux and it's syntax. But then I was never sent on any course to learn Winsucks (any flavour, Word, Excel, etc.) yet all my employers have expected I know it.
Trouble is I have a house full of Comp. Illits. so they will need weaning, dual boot works lovely, although I had to wipe 2K - shame. Never gonna get to XP, Linux seems to have all I need in one form or another. Viva the end of Winsucks. Soon no more in my house.
Ctrl Alt Del 123:
VoidMan, I had a problem with "Midtown Madness 2" (A Microsoft game) spontaneously crashing like a bitch. I used the help and support center and 3 replys later from a MS guy ("I hear that you have a problem with blah, is this true? Have you tried blah?") it was a bad registry key, a patch for XP and a DXDiag fix to get me working once again. This was, about a month ago.
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