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More hypocrites than actual people? Is this site really living up to its name?

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I just wanna point this out:

A person who loves MS, but comes on here and acts like they hate MS, is indeed a hypocrite.

A person who dislikes MS Corp, but uses Windows 7 because it works for them, and comes on here and tells their story: they dislike MS for their business practices, but they use Windows 7 because it's much easier for them (maybe for compatibility), is NOT a hypocrite.

Please, tell me who is a hypocrite here?

You're right that we should be advocating the alternatives (and btw not spreading fud about MS or MS products), but I think somebody emitted a preconceived notion that this place is full of hypocrites - and that's simply inaccurate to say the least.


--- Quote from: piratePenguin on  2 September 2010, 20:02 ---A person who dislikes MS Corp, but uses Windows 7 because it works for them, and comes on here and tells their story: they dislike MS for their business practices, but they use Windows 7 because it's much easier for them (maybe for compatibility), is NOT a hypocrite.
--- End quote ---
I agree, I tried to make that point awhile ago but I don't think anyone listened to me.

I don't think people are hypocritical if they don't like Microsoft, but still use Windows to run special applications.

However, there is a lot of fear amongst many Windows users. Will the Windows applications that they cannot replace by an alternative (Brasero easily replaces Nero) still work on Linux or Mac?
Luckily, this website exists:

For example:
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 works, but Office 2010 doesn't. That's honest.

That's it, I'm going all-out here.

I've discovered something: all our members haven't logged on since last year. Then I came to the conclusion that Microsoft is getting more clever that mishaps are a rare report, or the site hasn't been bustling ever since the year I joined.

I checked the accounts of most people and I discovered the above fact. In fact some haven't logged on since 2008-9, and I just feel that the site is becoming a dead weight for most members. The only ones that come on today are mostly me, Refalm, PiratePenguin and AJ, and we have literally nothing to do around here except waste an hour of our lives to see nothing.

You think this is bad? No, this gets even better: not much has been done to revive the forum. Aside from discussions which have virtually little meaning nowadays. I really would have loved it if more people came back, but that unfortunately has barely happened, and even of the three who came back (hm_murdock, WMD, xyle_one), none have been active recently. This results in boredom around here.

The fact that this forum is slowly dying because of these reasons that I gave out, in addition to the original post, is sad. Nothing is getting done around here.

I repeat, I fear the site is coming to an end soon, because of these reasons. Move aside 2007; 2011 really is the Microsoft year and we know it. It's our fault for slacking off in the first place, and we tarnished the site doing so.

maybe you should try going outside


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