Author Topic: Haiku Alpha 2  (Read 13877 times)


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Re: Haiku Alpha 2
« Reply #15 on: 13 September 2010, 07:56 »
Go the fuck ~


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Re: Haiku Alpha 2
« Reply #16 on: 13 September 2010, 09:00 »
That's an interesting discussion!
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Re: Haiku Alpha 2
« Reply #17 on: 13 September 2010, 10:42 »
Agreed sounds interesting.

There are disadvantages though, for example encrypting each user's files may sound like a secure idea but how can the administrator manage other people's files? For example they might need to reset a user's password or remove some files, they shouldn't be storing from their area.

Someone also raised an interesting point:

. If you run as a non-privileged user then a malicious application can still toast your home directory (i.e. everything that can't be reinstalled)

Yes that's true for Linux, Windows and any other multiuser system.

There must be a way round this.

How about not allowing programs to delete files from the home directory unless they created them in the first place?

But then programs such as the desktop and bash won't be able to do their jobs so there would have to be a special set of permissions for file managers to allow them to work.

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Re: Haiku Alpha 2
« Reply #18 on: 14 September 2010, 08:25 »
Dug out an old Pentium III 500Mhz machine out of the basement as it refused to cooperate with my machine. Connected it to my router via ethernet and loaded the LiveCD. Performance was actually pretty good  for a 500MHz P3 running a Live-CD on ~196MB of ram. I've seen Windows XP on 1.8GHz P4 machines with 1GB of ram run far worse then this was.

It had no issues detecting this computers built in 3Com Ethernet. WebPositive seemed to work very good. It apparently uses WebKit so everything I tried rendered just fine.

Unfortunately the installer seems broken. I'd click install, point it to the drive, it'd begin to install then suddenly kernel panic and enter the Kernel Debug Land interface.


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Re: Haiku Alpha 2
« Reply #19 on: 14 September 2010, 10:48 »
Crazy! I installed it on two different machines. One is an Asus Eee PC 1000H - An Atom N270 at 1.6GHz with 1GB DDR@ and a SATA HD - and an old-ass Dell Inspiron 3800. Celery 600 with 256MB RAM and a 40GB ATA drive.

They both run like champs, albiet with no networking at all. Unfortunately I'm 100% WiFi here at home, relying on a Sprint Wireless 4G Hotspot for my webs, so I can't plug a wire in at all!
Go the fuck ~


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Re: Haiku Alpha 2
« Reply #20 on: 21 September 2010, 15:37 »
At 1.0 it's going to be a serious contender, at least for those with open minds.  It might be the one OS I'd be willing to give equal love to alongside OS X.