All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Windows updates
When I did my first update my creative sound blaster program wouldn't work anymore, it just keep crashing my puter. When I figured out that using the sound card without the killer program worked just fine it raised a suspicion so I downloaded about 2gb of webpages and garbage and placed it in 2 files at radom and then did an update and it took for ever instead the few seconds it did before. While searching today to find what spyware was installed with my aol 8.0 I found this link about updates. Damn, seems like I wasn't paranoid enough. About the aol ... I'm in transition and it is free for 2 months. I just get a kick out of removing the extra junk with this stuff. Also found "XP Lite" that's 30kb and is supose to replace the needed fix in sp1 which is 125mb. Next adventurous moment and I'll give it a shot. I guess what it boils down to is when it comes to windows and security a person can't be paranoid enough.
*And he dreams of jumping on this site one day with pride and stating that he is using linux and is windows free.*
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