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Windows Never Changes!!!
I swear. Windows never changes. I got XP Home upgrade for my ME last year because Midnight Club II wouldn't play at all on ME. Windows kept telling me to install DirectX 9.0b. I already had it. I noticed that XP takes more resources, too. And, I noticed that it came with Pinball, Hearts, etc. Didn't those same games come with all their previous operating systems? Newer and better my ass. I've been having trouble deleting files these days. I Shift+Delete when I delete a file or a folder. But sometimes, Windows won't let me. It'll tell me that a 700MB file or folder is being used by another program. Sometimes I have to reboot three times just to delete an empty folder. And when I just can't seem to delete a very large file. I have to download a small 1MB file, rename it the same as the file I'm not allowed to delete, over-write the large file, then delete it! What the hell? All this because I wanted to play Midnight Club II. Although, I do have to say, ME is just as bad as XP. I've so far re-installed Windows ME and XP about 20+ times. Sometimes I have to re-install Windows 3 times in one day, because it will encounter an error. I hate Internet Explorer. All the pop-ups and highjacking and redirecting of my homepage is driving me crazy. I like Opera, but sometimes I can't view certain sites, because I think some sites are written especially for Internet Explorer. Also, Windows gets fragmented alot. And the built in Defrag tool doesn't always do the job. I just got Diskeeper 8.0 - it's great! But we shouldn't have to go out a buy third party software to do the things that Microsoft claims their operating system can do - such as empty the cookies after you close the browser. I learned on a Mac in school. I just wish I can afford one. I guess I'll have to force myself to learn Linux. Anyone else have the same problems that I'm having?
I guess half a billion people are facing the same situation. The tragedy is that most of them think this kind of problems is natural, so they just put up with ms. Almost same thing as politics, there always will be people who think that they do not deserve something better.
Mankind is just getting what he deserves.
Wait? You went from ME to XP. XP should be a whole load more stable that craptacular ME.
You should have gone for Win2K.
Did you buy XP or, did you pirate it?
Win2K is far more secure than ME, and is more stable than XP.
ME uses a DOS kernel which is horribly insecure and unstable.
Win2K is NT5, and has a beter file system. NTFS is journalled, meaning that it keeps a log of your disk operations, if there is a power failure or Windows fucks up (more often the case) you are less likely to loose data.
Linux also uses a journalled file system.
You may not think it, but XP also has one advantage over Win2k, the configuration is also journalled, if you or Windows fucks up the registry, you can restore your system to how it was a yesterday, an hour ago, or even a month ago.
XP also takes up more resources, and has a Play School style user interface.
Boot time is also quicker than the previous versions of Windows.
The major resource hog seems to be the shit theme (don't worry you can turn this off) and the active desktop. This allows HTML files and web pages to be shown on the destop. (you can set your wallpaper to an animated GIF, JPG or an HTML webpage) This "feature" was introduced in Win98 and can be disabled in all other versions except for XP. Very few people actually use this "feature" but MS in their infinite wisdom has forced it up on everyone.
I use Windows XP, and like you, want to adopt Linux or get a Mac. My advice to you is read up on Linux, and check out the Linux hardware compatibility list, before spending any money.
Setting up Linux can vary from retardly simple to fucktardedly complex, all will depend on your hardware and the distrobution you choose.
What specification is your PC?
If you need to put up with Windows (at least for now), install a firewall and anti-virus, and last but not least don't use Internet Explorer.
Use a separate partition or hardrive for all your work, then if you need to reinstall your guaranteed not to loose it.
[ July 20, 2004: Message edited by: Aloone ]
Yup, I've experienced all that way too much. The bulk of the problem lies in Windows Explorer, which is a true piece of shit in XP. XP is too bloated, too messy, too full of bugs. It's hopeless for Microsoft to ever get it right again unless they start from total scratch.
If you're gonna use Windows, use Windows 2000 - the last stable Windows OS. 2000 is XP without bloat and eye candy. Use that or use Linux or Mac. Wipe XP off that drive and throw the disc out.
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