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Windows Never Changes!!!

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i heard there was a big lawsuit about that

but that makes for a new thread entirely...

True, according to my calculations 40,000,000,000 bytes = 37.252902984619140625GB


quote:Originally posted by vertigo173:
My Windows ME came with my Gateway PC.  I purchased the XP Home upgrade for $90.00 at Fry's Electronics.
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crappy OEM install + upgrades (which are always crappy) = One shitty system.  Hopefully you have a CD of Windows ME; you can do a full install of XP from the upgrade CD provided you have a CD of a previous version.

I'm in the same boat, kinda... my XP disc (a legal one) got narf'd and won't boot anymore. it installs just fine, but it won't boot to save its life. I have to install 2000 and then run the upgrade.

it's not so bad though.


quote:Originally posted by JimmyJames: GenSTEP Founder:
I'm in the same boat, kinda... my XP disc (a legal one) got narf'd and won't boot anymore. it installs just fine, but it won't boot to save its life. I have to install 2000 and then run the upgrade.

it's not so bad though.
--- End quote ---

You could take the CD to a used CD store and ask them to polish it for you professionally.  It would probably cost $5.00.


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