All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Windows Never Changes!!!

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I depends on what's wrong with the CD, if the foil side is damaged then your SOL.

You're an idiot, you should have backed the CD up when you first got it.

[ July 21, 2004: Message edited by: Aloone ]


quote:Originally posted by Aloone:
You're an idiot,
--- End quote ---

Shut up.  


quote:Originally posted by xeen:
It's hopeless for Microsoft to ever get it right again unless they start from total scratch.

--- End quote ---

Um, what's that word doing there?  

[ July 23, 2004: Message edited by: Shiver ]


quote:Originally posted by Shiver:

Um, what's that word doing there?      

[ July 23, 2004: Message edited by: Shiver ]
--- End quote ---

I agree. Microsoft never got Windows right.

Dr. Ephemeron:
Sure Windows changes, I used to be able to search text within an ASP file, now I have to use a 3rd party file search utility to do it because the so-called registry "fix" doesn't work.

So something that worked perfectly well in DOS does not work in XP... I call that a big change!   :D


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