All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Windows Never Changes!!!

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Jeeze Guys,

I can understand Vertigo173 and his POV, he's new here and hates Windows and is looking for a way out.  But what about the rest of you?  I haven't used Windows at home since Win98.  I have never used WinXP or WinME and hope to never have to.  OK, I do have to use Win2k at work and that bites, but why do you folks know so damned much about WIndows??? Do you like putting up with Microsoft's BS and passing more money to the people bent on killing Free and OS software and any semblance of choice in computing?

I guess that it just amazes me to come back to this site, I don't hang around much any more, and see the same people bitch like crazy about Microsoft for years and then read that they're still using it.  And not only using it, but proficient in it.  

I just don't understand.....

Maybe Bill Gates and his cronies have won after all.....


quote:Originally posted by BASHman:
Jeeze Guys,

I can understand Vertigo173 and his POV, he's new here and hates Windows and is looking for a way out.  But what about the rest of you?  I haven't used Windows at home since Win98.  I have never used WinXP or WinME and hope to never have to.  OK, I do have to use Win2k at work and that bites, but why do you folks know so damned much about WIndows??? Do you like putting up with Microsoft's BS and passing more money to the people bent on killing Free and OS software and any semblance of choice in computing?

I guess that it just amazes me to come back to this site, I don't hang around much any more, and see the same people bitch like crazy about Microsoft for years and then read that they're still using it.  And not only using it, but proficient in it.  

I just don't understand.....

Maybe Bill Gates and his cronies have won after all.....
--- End quote ---

You're an idiot.

Look all over the site.  Hardly anyone here wants to stay with Windows.  But it takes time.  It's the conversion process.

So quit it.


passing more money to the people bent on killing Free and OS software

--- End quote ---

  :D  Pay for Windows?

You must think we're retarded!

Who pays for Windows or MS software apart form OEM install, and large organisations?

Most of my friends pirate Windows!

If they pay, is only for one copy normally OEM install, and they install it on all of their other PCs. Most people I know haven't given MS a penny they run pirate copys of win2k, and if they bother with XP they just hack it.


quote:Originally posted by Aloone:
[QBMost people I know haven't given MS a penny they run pirate copys of win2k, and if they bother with XP they just hack it.[/QB]
--- End quote ---

Well, whether you're paying for it or not MS is still benefiting.  Every machine running their software is reenforcing the monoculture, including its closed standards.  In the long run, that makes it harder for any other alternatives to become successful, even if they are technologically superior.  

Little changes start in small places.  Like when your friend comes over and sees you're running Linux, then proceeds to ask why.  There's a perfect opportunity for you to bring him to the other side.  Really, substitute Linux with OS X, or your system of choice.  When your friend asks for a copy of Office, ask him if he's ever checked out OpenOffice.  If he tries and it still doesn't like it no harm done.  I found a really great open source sound editor called Audacity the other day; now whenever someone asks me where to find a crack for Audition or Goldwave I can direct them there -- plus it's multi-platform (I'm now using it instead of Sound Studio on my Mac).

The first stage of resistance is disassociating yourself from that which oppresses you  


Well, whether you're paying for it or not MS is still benefiting. Every machine running their software is reenforcing the monoculture, including its closed standards. In the long run, that makes it harder for any other alternatives to become successful, even if they are technologically superior.

--- End quote ---


You're exactly right.  And if you try to promote Linux software to potential converts and they see that you are still running Microsoft products, how impressed will they really be.  Work or school are exceptions.  We all need to earn money to live and to do that we need to graduate from school and if either of those two places require the use of Windows... well, in life we often have to do things we really don't like doing.

Most people I know haven't given MS a penny they run pirate copys of win2k, and if they bother with XP they just hack it.

--- End quote ---


I don't condone piracy (theft) for a lot of reasons.  What is it that Windows offers, other than possibly the ability to play a few games, that you can't do just as well with Linux, OSX, or one of the BSD's?  If it's so important to use Windows that you're willing to steal it, then maybe it is a better operating system.  

<picking self up off floor after fit of choking/laughing and total disbelief that I even wrote that...>

You're an idiot.

Look all over the site. Hardly anyone here wants to stay with Windows. But it takes time. It's the conversion process.

So quit it.

--- End quote ---


Calling me an idiot won't change the fact that you've been on this site for almost a year, that you're a site moderator, and yet you still use Windows.  That's what I just don't understand.  I will admit that when I first started with Linux, I just installed it on an "extra" PC I had kicking around, and left my Windows computer intact.  Within a few months, I upgraded my Linux hardware and hardly ever used my Windows computer.  Now the only time I even consider using Windows is at work.  

This site used to provide me with a lot of help in converting from Windows to Linux. I still see some posts in the UNIX/GNU Linux forum helping people, with often excellent help and answers posted by you.  But even you admit to still using MSWindows.  

I just find it a bit sad that so many people here still use MSWindows and are evidently very proficient with the newer versions of it while writing all the time about how terrible it is.  

That's all I wanted to say.

Maybe that makes me an idiot, but at least I don't use MSWindows.


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