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Windows Never Changes!!!

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Pity only has one "t"


quote:Originally posted by JimmyJames: GenSTEP Founder:

Pity only has one "t"
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Yeah, but then Mistah T wandered into the thread because he decided it had one T too few and... forgot where I was going with that.    :(

lol! :-D

quote:I swear. Windows never changes. I got XP Home upgrade for my ME last year because Midnight Club II wouldn't play at all on ME. Windows kept telling me to install DirectX 9.0b. I already had it. I noticed that XP takes more resources, too. And, I noticed that it came with Pinball, Hearts, etc. Didn't those same games come with all their previous operating systems? Newer and better my ass. I've been having trouble deleting files these days. I Shift+Delete when I delete a file or a folder. But sometimes, Windows won't let me. It'll tell me that a 700MB file or folder is being used by another program. Sometimes I have to reboot three times just to delete an empty folder. And when I just can't seem to delete a very large file. I have to download a small 1MB file, rename it the same as the file I'm not allowed to delete, over-write the large file, then delete it! What the hell? All this because I wanted to play Midnight Club II. Although, I do have to say, ME is just as bad as XP. I've so far re-installed Windows ME and XP about 20+ times. Sometimes I have to re-install Windows 3 times in one day, because it will encounter an error. I hate Internet Explorer. All the pop-ups and highjacking and redirecting of my homepage is driving me crazy. I like Opera, but sometimes I can't view certain sites, because I think some sites are written especially for Internet Explorer. Also, Windows gets fragmented alot. And the built in Defrag tool doesn't always do the job. I just got Diskeeper 8.0 - it's great! But we shouldn't have to go out a buy third party software to do the things that Microsoft claims their operating system can do - such as empty the cookies after you close the browser. I learned on a Mac in school. I just wish I can afford one. I guess I'll have to force myself to learn Linux. Anyone else have the same problems that I'm having?
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First off, you likely upgraded over a shitty ass OEM install of Windows Me. Windows Me can be fairly decent if you don't have an OEM "preinstalled" version.

I've run XP now for some time, and I've never had any of the problems you describe. Most of those issues can be solved by not being a lazy ass bastard. If you'd fucking update your OS, run AdAware, and use firefox instead of opera and Internet Shithead, then things wouldn't suck for you.

My Windows ME came with my Gateway PC.  I purchased the XP Home upgrade for $90.00 at Fry's Electronics.  I'm installing SuSE Linux 9.1 Personal Edition on my laptop at the moment.  I partitioned my hard drive for my XP.  I have a 40GB hard drive.  After I installed Windows, I'm missing about 3GB of space - and that's not including the space taken up by Windows.  Why is that?  Are the manufactures of hard drives rounding off?  40GB = 37GB before operating system is installed.  That's not right.  What happened to, "You get what you pay for?"

yes. they are cheap dudes.

drive manufacturers measure 1GB = 1,000,000,000 bytes, but a GB is actually 1,073,741,824 bytes.


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