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bootdisk question for Win2k
Also, just to let you know this is Win2k Pro
there is also a manager account also. I think that account has like SUPREME POWER OVER ALL.
Also, just to let you know this is Win2k Pro
there is also a manager account also. I think that account has like SUPREME POWER OVER ALL. but im am not that much of a Win2k GURU so........
I think what VoidMain was getting at was that you had said you were trying to change the password for the user ID "admin" whereas the default 'root' account for Windows NT/2000 is called "Administrator", so this could be your problem.
However... most _competent_ (non-MCSE?) network administrators will have changed their domain's administrator account to another name which looks like any other normal account in the domain, and may also have created a dummy "Administrator" account with only guest priveliges - so if you're trying to change the password on a system that was previously run by someone else, take that into account.
You are trying to change the admin password on a system to which you have the proper right to do so, aren't you?
on google I want you to search for the program called "changentpassword"
or some other spelling.
created a boot disk with this and you can change ANY password in W2k...fat32 or ntfs.
good luck
ok, ill try
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