Author Topic: What do you think of the MS Office Ribbon interface?  (Read 16205 times)


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What do you think of the MS Office Ribbon interface?
« on: 30 October 2010, 15:18 »
I used MS Office 2007 for the first time this week!

It looks like it's got some good new features but I don't like the new user interface. Is it just plain shit or is it that I'm not used to it?

I noticed that some other new software has adopted a similar UI, most notably for me AutoCAD so it can't be that bad, although at least it has an option to revert back to the old UI. All I can say, is I hope OpenOffice doesn't adopt ribbon or if it does, there should be an option to switch back.
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Re: What do you think of the MS Office Ribbon interface?
« Reply #1 on: 30 October 2010, 18:59 »
Lotus Symphony is using a kind of a hybrid between the Ribbon and look:
I prefer this GUI over Office 2010 and

Personally, I like what Microsoft has done in Office in terms of doing away with menu's. Gnome and Apple have been doing that for years, but without compromising advanced features, which I think Microsoft has done with oversimplifying up to a point where only a default lay-out option is the only choice.


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Re: What do you think of the MS Office Ribbon interface?
« Reply #2 on: 30 October 2010, 19:22 »
I'm not sure if I like the idea of getting rid of the menu.

I like the idea of having a tabbed toolbar though.

I don't like the look of the huge properties window on the right had side of the window of Lotus Symphony. I know it can be closed but would it make it harder to use?

Apparently MS Office 2010 is supposed to be better UI wise than 2007. I fail to see the point in buying the latest version of MS Office any more as they all have more features than I'd ever use and is more than good enough for me. There's a lack of MS Office licences where I work so some people use OpenOffice. I think I'll ask my manager if I can use it rather than MS Office so someone else can have my licence. There again, I might stick with it because learning it might make it easier if I change jobs and have no choice but to use it.
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Re: What do you think of the MS Office Ribbon interface?
« Reply #3 on: 31 October 2010, 09:32 »
Microsoft is really pushing hard for the Ribbon UI. I've been seeing more and more 3rd party programs implementing it now. Office 2007 drives me insane personally. I can't find anything in a reasonable amount of time.

That Lotus UI looks interesting. That sidebar shouldn't be an issue for people with higher resolutions screens.


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Re: What do you think of the MS Office Ribbon interface?
« Reply #4 on: 31 October 2010, 21:05 »
That Lotus UI looks interesting. That sidebar shouldn't be an issue for people with higher resolutions screens.
I'm on 1920x1080 and it would piss me off because I like to be able to view two pieces of A4 side by side or a complete page in landscape - for me, that's the whole point of having a large monitor..
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Re: What do you think of the MS Office Ribbon interface?
« Reply #5 on: 13 November 2010, 19:07 »
It looks like it's got some good new features but I don't like the new user interface. Is it just plain shit or is it that I'm not used to it?

I noticed that some other new software has adopted a similar UI, most notably for me AutoCAD so it can't be that bad, although at least it has an option to revert back to the old UI. All I can say, is I hope OpenOffice doesn't adopt ribbon or if it does, there should be an option to switch back.

I hate Ribbon. Why? It decreases writing space and competitors to MS Office can't use it. Flip out.

Oh yeah, and is implementing their own Ribbon-like UI in version 3.3 as of my knowledge.


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Re: What do you think of the MS Office Ribbon interface?
« Reply #6 on: 16 November 2010, 21:55 »
I agree.

I've now installed OxygenOffice on my computer at work because I can't get used to the shitty ribbon UI. MS Office 2010 is supposed to be better but I don't see the point in paying more for what is probably only a bug fix for the shit UI.

If OOo is going to do a similar thing, I hope they make a decent job of it or do as AutoCAD have done and provide an option to revert back to the old UI.

MS have patented ribbon UI so it would be interesting to see if other developers get sued for implementing it.
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Re: What do you think of the MS Office Ribbon interface?
« Reply #7 on: 21 November 2010, 21:25 »
MS have patented ribbon UI so it would be interesting to see if other developers get sued for implementing it.

I don't think they can do that. Last time I checked, Wikipedia says it's prior art, since a similar interface was used in Macromedia HomeSite or whatever it was called.

In addition, Microsoft is taking advantage of licenses: They don't want other office suites, regardless of license, to be publicly released with Ribbon, because "it will help you tap into the full potential of Office". No matter what MS intends on doing with that policy, it's an excellent but unfair decision-something that WordPerfect can't take advantage of, but will more likely screw Office users.

I've now installed OxygenOffice on my computer at work because I can't   get used to the shitty ribbon UI. MS Office 2010 is supposed to be   better but I don't see the point in paying more for what is probably   only a bug fix for the shit UI.

Microsoft and their "innovative" GUIs.

The fan made "Copenhagen" concept for Windows 8 looks like it will need more clicks to achieve the same thing. It also bears a resemblance to Blackbox of *Nix fame.

If OOo is going to do a similar thing, I hope they make a decent job of it or do as AutoCAD have done and provide an option to revert back to the old UI.

At least with, you get to modify the GUI, if you're good at the OOP juggernauts C++ and Java.


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Re: What do you think of the MS Office Ribbon interface?
« Reply #8 on: 23 November 2010, 19:02 »
At least with, you get to modify the GUI, if you're good at the OOP juggernauts C++ and Java.
I shouldn't need to know any of that shit to get the UI to work how I want it to.

By the way, I noticed we're not up to RC6 for OOo 3.3, it looks like there're a lot of bugs that need to be squashed. I think I'll leave upgrading for awhile. I'll wait until the OxygenOffice version has been out for a bit before upgrading to it.

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Re: What do you think of the MS Office Ribbon interface?
« Reply #9 on: 24 December 2010, 19:55 »
A month later and OOo 3.3 still isn't out, it's on RC8. I'm glad they've not released it too soon and think it's better to hold back rather than having an unstable product.

I've been on an AutoCAD course and I still hate the ribbon UI. It's the lack of a menu bar which I can't stand. I enabled the classic menu bar and could find the commands much more quickly even though the instructor was teaching assuming everyone was using ribbon!
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Re: What do you think of the MS Office Ribbon interface?
« Reply #10 on: 25 December 2010, 16:08 »
Yup, I've had the same experience when dealing with Office. Stuff I could find in Office 2000/2003 takes ages to find in 2007. Just can't get used to it for some reason.


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Re: What do you think of the MS Office Ribbon interface?
« Reply #11 on: 14 January 2011, 23:34 »
Wow, OOo 3.3 up to RC9 now, this must be a record!

Oh well, at least this means it should be stable.

I won't upgrade as soon as it's released, I'll wait for the OxygenOffice version to come out

Anyone tried 3.3? What's the UI like?

I don't normally  bother with RC versions as I value stability too much.
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Re: What do you think of the MS Office Ribbon interface?
« Reply #12 on: 15 January 2011, 08:52 »
I actually used Office 2010 the other day, I'd say the Ribbon UI is better than the original Office 07 ribbon, but a lot of stuff still doesn't quite make sense. Which how much they changed it, you still just get this feeling you're beta testing it.

Put it this way, it's different enough from the '07 Ribbon, that I had trouble doing basic things. Just like when 07 first came out.


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Re: What do you think of the MS Office Ribbon interface?
« Reply #13 on: 15 January 2011, 18:35 »
What do I think of it?


I can't take it anymore! *sobs*

Seriously, it's not MS word, its MS clipart, its all its about nowadays...


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Re: What do you think of the MS Office Ribbon interface?
« Reply #14 on: 15 January 2011, 18:37 »
Wow, OOo 3.3 up to RC9 now, this must be a record!

Oh well, at least this means it should be stable.

I won't upgrade as soon as it's released, I'll wait for the OxygenOffice version to come out

Anyone tried 3.3? What's the UI like?

I don't normally  bother with RC versions as I value stability too much.

I love oxygenoffice!  :D