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I need a good e-mail bomber to sort out some spam I have been getting!!!


Can anyone recommend a good e-mail bomber prog to send to some little shits that have been spamming me for a few months now..
I have used YAEMB but to no effect........can anyone tell me where to download one that will sort them out for a while.......?????

Since I run my own sendmail server I just add a "REJECT" rule for each of those types of spammers (along with rejecting all known open relay servers using ORDB spam database, see  I get very little spam.  *And* I use Sendmail/milter to filter out certain types of attachments (*.EXE, *.COM, *.SCR, *.vbs, etc).  Not that I use a Microsoft email client but a lot of my customers do and this keeps them *fairly* immune from email viruses.

[ February 24, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

Okay,before anyone gets on their highhorse here about "e-mail bombing"...........I am sorry about posting that request.....!!!!!!.
I was a little,err.....drunk late on last nite and mildly annoyed at the persistant spam that has been plaguing me for a few months now.
I realise that e-mail bombing is not the way to resolve this and would be a complete waste of time in this situation...
I know there are better ways of going about this ,some of which I am going to try out,so,once again.........I didnt mean it!!!!.  :rolleyes:

Sounds like your senses were better when you were drunk.  

Didn't I hear on the news somewhere a while back about some government server you can send your spam to and they would try and do  something about it? Not sure where I heard.


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