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O'reilly's tips on ubuntu!


I bought the book and it came with a CD.

The cd was the book! you could have the computer book you have DIGITAL AND ON THE COMPUTER.

It all came wrapped up in one nice little chm file too, to make it easier to use for linux!  ^^

Wow, that's pretty stupid  O?O

Although you can actually view chm files by using Wine or the CHM Reader addon for Firefox.


--- Quote from: yahurd on 10 January 2011, 20:13 ---The cd was the book! you could have the computer book you have DIGITAL AND ON THE COMPUTER.

--- End quote ---

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It's not even funny anymore. Either you read on a PC or you read on printed books. Whoever did that is too inclusive with reading options.

It actually came with the physical book, so it wasn't a problem for me, I just found it hilarious at the time, and installing a chm viewer on ubuntu was easy, it was in the supported repository and downloaded flawlessly, then installed automatically.


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