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A question of design

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Have you ever noticed how winblows

Ya I spoke of this a bit in the Mac OS forum. I talked about how Apple even published a book calld the User Interface Guidelines. It had all of their research outlined and explained, so that developers could use it in order to keep application functionality consistent (a document that M$ would probably use when making Windoze, and if they did, it was a taterd copy they found in a gutter cuz they managed to basterdize everything).

I think M$ reversed windows from the Mac OS as an attempt at origionality. I mean it goes further than just aligning the icons to the left. Here is a small list:

1. Icons on left (duh)
2. Mac mouse is black with white outline, M$ mouse is white with black outline.
3. Mac apple menue items and clock is on the menu bar at the top. Windoze's start bar and clock are at the bottom.
4. Mac has a single menu bar that affects every window, windoze has multiple menu bars that affect their respective windows.
5. The Mac is responsive and does what you ask it to in an intuitive logical maner. Windoze laughes at you takes all your personal information, acuses you of being a pirat, forces you to update to a new version, and then if your good, lets you play solitair and use MS Paint.


But hey, at least we can see what their alignement is, M$ is to the evil left of God, while Apple is to the right  

Personaly, I think the fact that Mac OSX is trying to revolutionize the way people think of a GUI says alot. Windowoze's response was that hacked up POS XP, which is nothing more than an unorigional rehash of their previous crap.

M$ constantly spouts the words inovation, but to quote the Princess Bride:

"...You keep on using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means..."

M$ are just a bunch of copy cat's with great marketing. Were would they be without the REAL inovators?

right fucking on.


quote:4. Mac has a single menu bar that affects every window, windoze has multiple menu bars that affect their respective windows.
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This is the ONE feature that i like in windows. I slightly prefer the windows to have their own menu bars. i was happy when quicktime 5 for windows finally did this. Up till 4, it had no menu bar on the window, but had a manu bar floating by itself elsewhere on the screen! becaue it was trying to be a top-of screen bar, but couldn't in windows, i suppose...
Of course you can have any and all in KDE and GNOME...
5. The Mac is responsive and does what you ask it to in an intuitive logical maner. Windoze laughes at you takes all your personal information, acuses you of being a pirat, forces you to update to a new version, and then if your good, lets you play solitair and use MS Paint.
--- End quote ---

This is another very good point...   ;)

i disagree with everyone. You say that windows interface is just the same as OS but in reverse? What does Linux look like??? Similar to windows yet you all go on about how linux is superior to windows (no arguments there). But is it not possible that windows said "ok where is a convinient place to put my icons? On the left next to the start menu????"

I personaly prefer windows interface to the crappy and hard to follow OS 'front page'. And what is with the one button and oddly shaped mouse that comes with Mac's. the piece of shit doesnt even fit in ya hand.

My point is that Microsoft make somethin and you guys instantly slag them off and say they copied it off someone else - most people will tell you that they hate mac's more than windoze - one person told me to use mac instead of windoze cos they are only 50 rare viruses or somethin on a mac. I say, "see, even hackers don't like using macs" Finishing off my point, microsoft, may not be the perfect company but they are allowed to put their icons whereva the fuck they want on the desktop.



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