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A question of design

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Jesus.. your post is so full of shit and at a loss for any sort of proof to back up your point that I feel ashamed to even comment. You do know that when Bill Gates endevored to create windows his exact quote was "make it like a Mac on a PC" I think this alone makes it quite evident who bit off who.

Also don't forget that the MacOS is much older than Windoze as is XWindows and other GUI's for Linux/*NIX OS's, the fact is Linux dosn't look like anything.  In it's base form it's little more than a command line.

Most people don't hate Mac's. In My experience people realy like them (weather they prefer them or not is a diffrent story), none the less, the real Mac haters usually seem to be windoids, Borg, and other computer Biggotts who can't see beyond their limeted point of view.

There would be no Windows without Mac, Live with it. Mac OS is better designed (has won tons of awards, has all the reasearch behind it, etc. etc.) Live with that too.

I find PC mice to be to light and feel like an empty pice of cardbord, Mac programs don't require a two button mouse, but you can get one if you want. I have both kinds of mice. Right now, Im useing a regular one-button mouse, and to tell you the truth I don't really miss the other button.

Finaly, It's not only the GUI, but what's underneath it. Windows is a hack gone awry since it's insception back at Win32. It run's like a hack, looks like a hack, and feels like a hack.

Linux/*NIX, and MacOS (particualraly OSX) has years of reasearch and development behind them that windows wishes it had. GUI aside, all these other OS's floor it in every sence. Windows loses overal in usability, that's a fact. Live with it.

Also, If you look at M$'s buisness history you will note that they do nothing but copy other's products or buy them out. Little has been of their own creation, like it or not, they are not the victimes here. Live with that.

People like those who are in this forum don't just spontaneously generate. Perhapse you should take a look at what we are reacting to before you choose your side.

[ March 17, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]


quote:Originally posted by Spuzzdawg:
i disagree with everyone. You say that windows interface is just the same as OS but in reverse? What does Linux look like??? Similar to windows yet you all go on about how linux is superior to windows (no arguments there). But is it not possible that windows said "ok where is a convinient place to put my icons? On the left next to the start menu????"

I personaly prefer windows interface to the crappy and hard to follow OS 'front page'. And what is with the one button and oddly shaped mouse that comes with Mac's. the piece of shit doesnt even fit in ya hand.

--- End quote ---

Ok spazmutt, just like most lusers you can't get beyond the superficial. It's true that you can make Linux look and act similar to Windows (which tries to look and act like a Mac).  The reason this exists is so that lusers like you who have no experience with anything but Windows can use it and feel fairly comfortable.

I'm not currently using an interface that looks like Windows or a Mac.  It has no task bar, no "Start" menu, etc.  To get a menu you have to click one of your mouse buttons on the desktop background, and you get a different menu for each of the three mouse buttons. When you open a program an ICON version of it docs to the upper right hand corner of the desktop. This interface is called "WindowMaker".  It uses very little memory and is fast. I use other interfaces on other machines. I have a choice. Choices like having as many virtual desktops as I want and be able to open apps for display on any one of the desktops and switch between desktops easily.  Just because one of the interfaces is designed to make Windows lusers lives easier doesn't mean the OS is a copy of Windows. Windows is much more difficult to use for a lot of tasks because it forces you to use a graphical app to do the task. You don't have a choice.

But we've been over all of this before. Like most dweebs that come here defending M$, 99% of your experience is with Winblows and 1% (if that) is with any other OS. Kinda hard to make a good argument when this is the case.

[ March 17, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

Ya Void, this Tard gave himself away in the Hello Im New Here Thread. He comes in here slaming Linux and Mac and he asks: "what is suse????"


Man I shouldent have taken him down in my reply cuz it looks like he actually knows what he is talking about, he is so well versed in OS's and computers  :D


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