All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company

The end of the Zune

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I bought a 2ng gen zune. I actually liked it. Its basically an ipod with a larger screen.
It had a number of problems though Including battery life. The little gadget has a habit of charging up to 50% tops now, allowing me a mere few or more hours of use.

I think I may have been the only one in my city with a Zune. I liked being that odd guy out from the legions of ipod clones.

But ya Zune and Ipod sucks. I think the only good Ipods were the 2nd gen shuffle and the 3rd gen nano. Both being at reasonable prices based on their storage capacity at the time. Otherwise we have plummeted into touchscreen hell.

Marketers notice there are several things trending right now. 3D, HD, and touchscreen. All of which being relatively old by now. The last zune I saw announced was the Zune HD (go figure) and I don't think that ever released in Canada, at least not Eastern Canada. Its just an ipod touch with a slightly larger screen.

Microsofts marketing doesnt take us (the people) seriously. They Assume we are lemmings. All and if not eager to stay on their consumer treadmill. Vista and 7 have had the worst sales when compared to their glorious XP. Enough people are inclined to stay with XP.

But the problem is. We are all too eager to prove their marketers right.
How many people do you know who have bought more than one Xbox 360? I know several.

And if anyone changes OS, their isn't enough available knowledge on Linux. (there is but most people don't like doing research)
and Macintoshes are just too expensive.

The zune doesn't sell in my area; period now. A Bestbuy employee said something about a rumor of apple threatening to stop retailing Ipods through their franchise if they continue to retail zunes LOL.

Sorry guys; I didnt want this to be a rant. Just trying to describe the situation where I am.


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