Miscellaneous > Applications

Firefox 4

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I used to use Adblock Plus, Clippings, pagezoom, useragent switcher and speeddial. Then I realised speedial slowed it down so I disabled it.

Maybe you're right, it will work with a few tweaks but I'm not bothered as I can just use Opera which gives me all the functionality I need without having to install extensions which might not work when the next version is releases. I've not seen any improvements in Firefox 4 which would make me really prefer it to 3.6 - it pretty much looks and behaves he same to me, except for the addon bar lack of a status bar.

Really exciting!

I'll download Firefox 4 ASAP. I hope it's a huge leap from v3.6!

I went ahead and got it for my Mac. It's definitely faster, but damn is it a resource hog. 25% of my Core2Duo cpu time, 300MB of memory and 25 threads. The kernel uses 61 threads.

You can get the AddOn Compatibility Reporter and force extensions if you want to. The extensions I really need have updated versions for FF4. NoScript, Better Privacy, Cookie Monster, Flasblock, GreaseMonkey, UserAgent Switch, DownloadHelper, ScreenGrab and Unplug.

I still use Remove It Permanently and even though it officially isn't compatible it still works just fine. Right-click RIP and it's gone.

I didn't notice much of a speed increase, there again I didn't give it much chance, I dropped t like a hot potato when I discovered it doesn't do what I want.  I've now noticed there is an option in FF 4 to add zoom buttons to the toll bar but it doesn't  quite offer the same functionality as said extension or Opera's built-in zoom so I won't go back.

Gone are the days when I used to get excited about the latest version of Firefox, Opera, etc. It seems like they mostly contain improvements which web developers will find handy but the end user doesn't notice or appreciate. I suppose you could argue that the user should notice the richer content websites can deliver as a result of the improvements to their browser but that won't happen until the lowest common denominator catches up.


Firefox 4 just works. Love the interface, like the design (which is all too important not) and it's faster than 3.6.

This is worth upgrading from v3.6.


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