Miscellaneous > The Lounge

Wow, cannot believe this site is still here!

(1/3) > >>

I was cleaning up a bit and rediscovered my account here. Wow, it has been a long time. haha. Surprised this is still around. I wonder if Refalm will be a nice guy and let me recover my old xyle_one account :) I rather miss my 2002 reg date

Hey, welcome back :)

I merged your two accounts into one, because no one wants to have multiple personalities.
You can recover the xyle_one account, because the e-mail address on there is now changed to one you're using.

Awesome! Thank you! So, how has everyone been?

Good man! What's up with you?

Came back to finish the job? :p

Yes, it's still going albeit a bit slow.


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