Author Topic: What do you think of the MS Office Ribbon interface?  (Read 16709 times)


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Re: What do you think of the MS Office Ribbon interface?
« Reply #15 on: 21 January 2011, 21:54 »
I love oxygenoffice!  :D
Me too but I notice it doesn't circumvent password protected MS Office documents like normal OpenOffice does so I've got the portable version of normal OOo sitting in My Documents.
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Re: What do you think of the MS Office Ribbon interface?
« Reply #16 on: 6 March 2011, 23:38 »
I've noticed there's no OxygenOffice 3.3 out.

Does anyone here know if it's still being developed? I'm happy with OxygenOffice 3.2.1 for now as I still think it's better than standard OOo or LibreOffice but I'll drop it and upgrade soon if it's no longer active. May be I'll wait for OOo 3.4 or higher before I drop OxygenOffice.
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Re: What do you think of the MS Office Ribbon interface?
« Reply #17 on: 8 March 2011, 07:05 »
When I heard OS X 10.7 was dropping Rosetta it meant that the last version of Word I could tolerate, 2004 would no longer run.  I'm a writer by profession so whether or not I'm comfortable with my word processor is important.  I had been chanting that I'd move away from Word to Pages or OpenOffice for a couple years now, all dependent upon when 2004 stopped running.  That time came sooner than expected.

The other day I was looking for some decent resume templates and Word had none.  Pages is only $19.99 at the app store, and I remember from the very first version that its templates were nice.  This was a perfect time for me to evaluate Pages and OpenOffice side by side and finally dump Office.

I used OpenOffice enough in Linux to have a general idea about it.  No complaints.  I even used it back when it was called StarOffice. The question was really how well it performed and integrated into OS X.  While it's not bad, it still doesn't feel like a native Mac app -- because it isn't.  NeoOffice alleviates that problem to some extent, but it always felt sort of like a clumsy hack -- because it pretty much is.

The last time I used Pages it was 1.0, PPC only, and cost about $49-59 I believe.  "Beyond Microsoft" was actually written in the first version of Pages, on my old iBook, at a coffee shop.  At my old job I needed to do page layout frequently, and Pages is a champ at that.  At the time it didn't have grammar check though, and although I'm not a horrible writer, it tends to catch typing mistakes.  I continued using it for page layout, but not writing.

Pages is at version 4.5 right now and more advanced, as you'd expect after four major revisions.  In 1.0 there were minor issues, like not being able to set a default margin and no thesaurus or dictionary integration.  Now OS X has a system wide dictionary, thesaurus, and grammar check.  The application is responsive, something I could never say about Word.  It naturally feels like a Mac app since Apple designed it.  The full screen mode is cool too.  OpenOffice has more capabilities, but are they ones that I'll actually use?  Probably not any time soon.  Pages' interface just feels more 'alive' for lack of a better description.  Since its a native Cocoa app I have access to things like speech. 

I should have prefaced this by saying I was a bit dumbfounded by the OpenOffice / LibreOffice split and opted to test LibreOffice throughout all of this (despite saying OpenOffice numerous times).  It seems like LibreOffice will be the future, but as long as Sun/Oracle holds onto the OpenOffice name the general public may be confused.  Personally, both sides' developers have good arguments for their respective forks.  Choosing between the two was complicated enough for me; I can't imagine how a layman would feel.

While I'm primarily concerned with Word I also downloaded Numbers to replace Excel.  I haven't used it too much yet, but given that I never use Excel's more advanced features it should be fine.  Thankfully I haven't had to give any presentations lately, but Keynote has obliterated PowerPoint since the very first version.  No exaggeration. 

Office was the final MS app I had on my machine.  Now I am no longer a hypocrite and completely free of MS.


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Re: What do you think of the MS Office Ribbon interface?
« Reply #18 on: 8 March 2011, 16:27 »
I like the iWork package, in my opinion, it's the best office suite out there.

I saw the suite last year in action, but it couldn't save to Microsoft formats yet, which could get you in trouble at school or work (they all want .doc or .xls, etc.). The collaboration on is also a major improvement.
I don't know if iWork has SQL integration yet (which is a huge requirement in business surroundings), but if it does, there is no reason anymore to use Microsoft Office for Mac.


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Re: What do you think of the MS Office Ribbon interface?
« Reply #19 on: 8 March 2011, 16:59 »
Pages could export to .doc and .pdf since version 1.0.  Keynote could export to .ppt as well.  Dunno, maybe Numbers couldn't export .xls files at some point.  Or perhaps the iPad/iPhone version of Pages had that issue?  Doubt it, but not entirely sure.

Which leads to another thing.  I'm planning to get an iPad 2 pretty soon and having a completely compatible office suite on there will be nice.  If I ever need to write something in a pinch and have computer problems, I can use a bluetooth keyboard with the iPad and be back in business quickly.


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Re: What do you think of the MS Office Ribbon interface?
« Reply #20 on: 12 March 2011, 06:57 »
I'm happy with OxygenOffice 3.2.1 for now as I still think it's better than standard OOo or LibreOffice but I'll drop it and upgrade soon if it's no longer active.

I run GO-OO, the Patch, and it works well.


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Re: What do you think of the MS Office Ribbon interface?
« Reply #21 on: 12 March 2011, 15:49 »
I've used GO-OO before, it's good but not as good as OxygenOffice so I'll give it a pass.
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