All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

One question, Why can't MS write a random Pic Viewer???


I mean, they include a random pic viewer as a screen saver, but this seems to be so far less than random.

However, it seems I still can't add and all the files in A diretory to Windows Mida Plaier with out thoese files comeing up at random...???

So, the ones I WANT in order are places at random, and the suposid random files, are not so random.

Forgive me if this has been covered before, I'm a new poster here. Cheers....

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Microsoft always include little programs that could be good, if they had extra stuff.

Open Source Software usually has extra stuff, and if it doesn't, some geek will program some in it.

Are you interested in some alternatives to Microsoft software?

Get IrfanView. Great prog!

/* Microsoft(tm)(r)(c) randomizer(tm)(c)(r) */
/* returns very random number in range 0..maxval-1 */
int rnd(int maxval)
static int c=666;
if(!c%33)return maxval+1;
return ++c%maxval;


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