At the time of posting this I couldn't find an immediate thread that wasn't just a simple rant or comparison.
If this thread does already exist; my apologies.
The bottom line of the current situation Is this; Everyone who is going to buy an Xbox 360 has already bought one.
Now excusing warranty claims, how many people do you know have bought more than one 360?
I know several.
////This is my reasoning, its a little long winded so skip further down to get to my point

The reason is, the 360 is a cheap assembly of nuts and bolts, by far the most tedious to take apart and clean.
Mine personally is always on the brink of death. I bought this "Birdshit white" beauty back in 2009. Long after already buying a Ps3 and wii.
I personally wanted to see what the hubbub was about.
This is by far the worst hardware in a console Ive seen yet. A little over two years and I have had multiple red rings and many many disc reader problems.
The Xbox 360 is a consumer treadmill. I feel crazy for believing this. But its almost like they're designed to break!
Think about it from Microsoft marketing's stand point. Cynically (of course).
Lets release this console a whole year early so that the sheeple will buy it.
Lets make the hardware crap and warranty it with refurbished xboxes. Sure the refurbishing will cost money But in the long run when warranty DOES expire. We have a broken console with an owner who probably has 10 - 20 games for it. He wont simply throw it all away. God no, He will buy a new one.
Now to quote a coworker of mine "Ha the psn is down, you get what you payed for"
The xbox live service is by no means free, being 60$ up front for a year or 120 if you go month to month.
Unfortunately I likely will close all live services come December.
If you worry about the PSN being unreliable. I own COD 4 on ps3, and I have had little or no problems connected through wifi,
reliable overall service. Rarely crashing. I own Modern warfare 2 on 360. Why the indecision? well I bought it for 360 cause at the time my only other games were condemned and gears of war.
Xbox live had more disconnects.... Now this could be due to the locations of the people I was connecting to, and their service.
But yeah....More disconnects. And it was connected through a wired connection, a mere 6 ft ethernet cable to my router ( I tried Direct to modem as well)
Also Xboxs come with a headset. Blessing and a curse. It basically means their is almost always need to thoroughly mute people.
Xbox live services are not worth what they cost. The psn goes down for a few days every now and again, but come on guys were talking about video games here. If it means the lesser of two evils Im down with the lesser, Sony.
Guys with broken 360s, I know your pain. Its Bullshit having about 15 games sitting their collecting dust.
So what do you do? Well I'm not gonna toot the "buy a ps3 horn"
Just dont buy a brand new one. Many local shops carry refurbished or Used 360s for a good price!
If you are smitten buy the urge to continue playing your 360 games. Buy a used or refurb one Make sure it works of course before buying it.
The reason I recommend this is because this is less money in MS pockets. The console was already bought once; the point of sale being walmart, or gamestop, or bestbuy Whatever. Onces its bought once, selling it will gain them no additional profit.
They are banking on us buying more than one of these pieces of shit.
I would like to see more posts on what can be done by us (the sheeple) to atleast reduce the profit microsoft gets.