All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Windows 8 aka Microsoft BOB 2
Microsoft decided to pull out the whole Microsoft BOB idea again.
Because the Windows team can't design an easy to use GUI for PC's, they ported Windows Phone 7 to the PC (sort-of).
They still have the option to return to regular Windows, I wonder how many people will just do that.
Building "Windows 8" - Video #1
Windows 8 partner demo
Lead Head:
Looks like it would alright for tablets, but absolutely infuriating to use on a PC. The regular UI appears to be the same as 7 as well. Disappointing but not unexpected.
IIRC ToastyTech had an image walkthrough of Microsoft BOB.
It tells you to prepare to trolololol. IMO BOB looks terribad.
--- Quote from: reactosguy on 30 June 2011, 05:00 ---IIRC ToastyTech had an image walkthrough of Microsoft BOB.
It tells you to prepare to trolololol. IMO BOB looks terribad.
--- End quote ---
Why the fuck didn't I add Toasty Tech to the index page yet? O?O
That site hasn't been updated for ades.
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