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XP Spyware

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quote:Originally posted by worker201:
The registry edits should be similar for both 98 and XP.

XP locates the IE hidden files (which are not entirely hidden) in \settings and users\yourname\content\.  I don't have windows in front of me to verify that this is the correct path, but you can at least start there.
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C:\documents and settings\yourname\local settings\temporary internet files\content.ie5 (assuming you're still boneheaded enough to be using Messy).

My cache is:
C:\documents and settings\administrator\application data\mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\0cxjgukw.default\Cache
Nice and in the open.   :D

quote:Originally posted by Refalm / BOB:

It's called QOS, and it's installed on all Windows XP machines by default.
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What's the point of running Quality of Service anyway, both in theory and in reality?  I mean, I haven't yet toyed with XP enough to know this for certain, but can't I just turn it off to regain some of MY bandwidth for MY usage?

Of course this is a late post but so what i started the forum post so...

first off I AM COMPLETELY INSULTED THAT YOU WOULD THINK I USE IE!!! I havent used it for 2 years first I found Netscape then I went to Mozilla(because its so much better than Net$cape) ok now why on earth hasnt any one told me how to shut down Quality OF Service... or even really what it does.

Go to: Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.  One is called QoS, and another is Distributed Background Transfer Service (or something like that).

Canadian Lover:

quote:Originally posted by Dylan Shaw:
Of course this is a late post but so what i started the forum post so...

first off I AM COMPLETELY INSULTED THAT YOU WOULD THINK I USE IE!!! I havent used it for 2 years first I found Netscape then I went to Mozilla(because its so much better than Net$cape) ok now why on earth hasnt any one told me how to shut down Quality OF Service... or even really what it does.
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this isn't a Microsoft help forum, Mr Shaw.

[ October 23, 2004: Message edited by: Canadian Lover ]

shut up Morison-cough- i mean Canadian Lover
i wuz askin if there is anyway to kill a microsoft program that tells Microsoft my personal shit...
now detective dipshit u mind phonin that into tech support?

[ October 23, 2004: Message edited by: dull60 ]


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