All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

XP Spyware

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Canadian Lover:

[ October 23, 2004: Message edited by: Canadian Lover ]


quote:Originally posted by dull60:
i wuz askin if there is anyway to kill a microsoft program that tells Microsoft my personal shit...
--- End quote ---

I answered you.

First off: dull60, I didn't mean to suggest that you used Messy, that was merely a "cover-my-ass" provision.
Second off: CanadianLover, you have lost your ability to speak in this thread.  You have been eaten by a grue.
Third off: WMD, my thanks for actually being civilised enough to answer dull's question.

Finally, somebody bin this damnable thread before it breaks out into a flame war.  Nip it in the bud while it's still a wee semi-flame.    ;)

[ October 24, 2004: Message edited by: Midnight Candidate/BOB ]

You can't kill of the MS spyware program as it's part of the operating system. svchost.exe continueiously reports all your activity to MS the firewall on the standalone PC at work keeps bitching about this.


quote:Originally posted by Aloone:
You can't kill of the MS spyware program as it's part of the operating system. svchost.exe continueiously reports all your activity to MS the firewall on the standalone PC at work keeps bitching about this.
--- End quote ---

Jesus Christ.  Okay, you *HAVE* to prove this one.  I'm sick of you making up shit.  Here's a thought: kill svchost.exe and see what happens.  Tell us here, after you reboot for killing the System Services Daemon.  Besides, QoS isn't *that* hard to kill.


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