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Is it possible to search for images with binary code?

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Would this be possible? I would love to search for exact images I know of, but I don't know their names.

Although is this even possible? Would this bring up undesired images? (I think so.)

the problem is that most images you are looking at are compressed/not compressed in many different ways, and so just looking at 1s and 0s is not very helpful.

on the other hand, if you can index the fourier transforms (http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/rbf/HIPR2/fourier.htm) of a bunch of images, then you could search for similar images by trying to find images with similar fourier coefficients. my guess is that this is how google image search works (when your input is an image), but I could be wrong.


--- Quote from: TheQuirk on 29 July 2011, 00:08 ---my guess is that this is how google image search works (when your input is an image), but I could be wrong.

--- End quote ---

I don't think so. Whenever I search Google Images it appears to search for images on sites that have the query that you inputted.

I have no idea what you guys are talking about, but maybe this will help:

TinEye looks good idea, lol no I can see if my ugly mug has appeared anywhere else on the Internet, other than where I posted . . . I doubt it though.


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