All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Floppy disk errors
Was wondering if anyone was aware of any problems with XP formatting/reading floppy disks. I had 2 disks that I formatted when I still had XP on my machine, that read "This disk is not formatted," and would not allow me to format them. I work in a computer lab (unfortunately cuz its 99% Windows environment and XP at that) and some users have been having this problem as well.
I always have those problems with floppies. I'm not sure if Linux is the same with it as Windows is though, since I've nevert tried reading a floppy on Linux.
Just didn't know if it was an 'XP' thing, never had it on win2k before and now we upgrade all the pcs to xp pro and a lot of students/facutly etc are complaining... doesn't matter though i am back on win 2k and linux :D
i have xp home at my house and the floppys seem to work fine from computer to computer. I use them on linux, 98, and xp. i dont believe i had that problem when i was using xp pro but that might be something i might have to look into
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