Author Topic: Winbloze softwares  (Read 6100 times)


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Winbloze softwares
« on: 31 May 2012, 22:40 »
As someone who uses Windows for a long time, I have to say that I feel that they should only work on the operating system only and not to produce other products like office or the likes. Their security softwares fails... I'd rather take on Comodo and put it on maximum setting while putting on bufferzone pro plus threatfire to make it much more secure as I can actually have more control and less vulnerabilities. I think microsoft should focus on providing direct downloads to alternative security companies instead of their own. That's all I have to say. I sort of hate their products though I love Windows itself. I also use Linux in order to maintain Windows in emergency circumstances which I do not get at all.

Short note, not really supporting norton crap either.

  I'm still using Windows to this very day questioning how can Comodo won't start up on reboot (this problem is just 1 week recent after playing with Winbloze maintenance center and I shouldn't done that) and the next day Microsoft Update disabled Comodo Cleaning Essential reboot scan the next day. Man, their patches are unneeded for the most part. On a bright side, still got threatfire here.
« Last Edit: 31 May 2012, 22:49 by Reptillian »