Author Topic: Why Is the Surface So Bad?  (Read 6021 times)


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Re: Why Is the Surface So Bad?
« Reply #1 on: 1 December 2012, 16:31 »
He talks a lot about the performance, which I haven't seen yet in an article.
I wouldn't have expected a fluid experience from Microsoft on an ARM device. Seeing how they went to a lot of company resources to even build a simple OS for the Xbox 360 (PowerPC), it doesn't take much to figure out how much it would've costed to get Windows to work on an ARM tablet.

The biggest problem is only captured in one alinea. It only runs Office as desktop app. People will be naturally expecting that they can install VLC, Minecraft, AutoCAD, Steam, Football Manager, etc. on their Surface. I can't imagine people's anger when they find out otherwise. You can't even get Citrix Receiver or VMWare Player on the device, otherwise it would have made a (pretty expensive) thin client. That means it would have some relevance in the real world.
Right now, it's even a shittier tablet than those € 100 Chinese ones with an old Android version. At least you can install a few useful apps on there.