All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

My Redhat9 outperforms My Windows XP

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Hello again, I bought a "Trendnet TW100-S4W1CA" blue colored router. here is a good pic of it: I connected it to the modem as the instructions mention. All the lights go on. But I can't use the internet. The modem and the network card without the router work great. The router comes with 2 disks for "windows all versions" . It is sitting on my desk and have no clue what to do with it. I disconncted it because it has no use!

What I find odd is that the PC should careless about the router as it is about my external  westwell modem. Since the network card is configured.

I use adsl and use redhat's network  program. So far I put my password in and username. Redhat  is smart as it  locates my dynamic dns each time.   If I should do any changes please let me know Thanks!

[ July 29, 2003: Message edited by: TuxLinux ]


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