All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Let me try to understand this bit...

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umm, i'm running WIN2K, and i havent had a crash in a long time... ans NO i dont play minesweeper.
i have a triple boot WIN2K|WINXP|Mandrake 8.1, and yes, WIN XP did crash with me already.
I actually dont mind running windows 2000 pro, but  XP just sux ASS.... plus i hate the activation thing.. u know what i maen.

 Choose your OS whisely

Try to read the other posts...there has been technical critiques of M$ in many posts.  I will say it again for your benefit...memory and process management are crap in M$ products....this is the reason you must reboo them so often.

Unix and other OS's don't have this least to the extent that M$ does.

AS/400 is so stable it just laughs at M$ and their second rate OS's.

A single application error can bring down the entire OS in M$.......this is unacceptable.

Ctrl Alt Del 123:
In reply to psyjax about MS not liking MP3 because it's not open source.

MP3 is NOT open source, you have to PAY ROYALITES to a company which I'm about to butcher, Franhaufer. Why does MS have their own music format? Because you have to pay Franhaufer to use their MP3 decoder.

Ctrl Alt Del 123:
Calum, you mis understood the original poster. She asked "what Microsoft has done to deserve a web site such as this" not "Why aren't you using Windows".


quote:Originally posted by Ctrl Alt Del 123:
In reply to psyjax about MS not liking MP3 because it's not open source.

MP3 is NOT open source, you have to PAY ROYALITES to a company which I'm about to butcher, Franhaufer. Why does MS have their own music format? Because you have to pay Franhaufer to use their MP3 decoder.
--- End quote ---

Huh? I didn't say this. Maybe I worded it wrong... ya your right my post was confusing. I ment to say that M$ want's to destroy the MP3 format. They are makeing it difficult for people to encode and use MP3s on their computer.

M$ want's to quell anything that may represent a violation of their copyrights or their partners. Like it or not the MP3 format breaks down alot of barriers in peoples idea of copyright and intelectual property, this is against M$'s agenda.

Weather or not companys have to pay royalties is neither hear nor there. There are plenty of free, open source, and public domain, encoders and decoders, so it's not like one company can force people to truely pay those unreal royalties.

On a similar note... you do know about the royalty problems with the .gif file format. There is a site for it out there, quite interesting stuff.

[ April 03, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]


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