All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Let me try to understand this bit...

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quote:Originally posted by teh mane mahn:

So whether or not anyone here wants to provide concrete evidence as to why I should not use Windows, and the disdain given for Microsoft.
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Hmmmm, did someone from here come to you and tell you not to use Windows?  That's interesting. Seems to me that you came here. It would be interesting to hear what brought you here. I think the general attitude is if Windows does what you want it to, and you are perfectly happy with the amount of money that you give to Microsoft and don't care about privacy then by all means, press on.  If on the other hand you are open to trying out something else we're all more than willing to help you. Many of us are fed up with Microsoft for many reasons (not *just* for the inferior products).

microsoft is a bullshit company... they only do things legally if it will hurt their profits to do otherwise... if they can make more money, by breaking laws and paying fines, then they will do it.

most windows is not a bad OS, if you know how to use and take care of it.  the point of the sight is not just to bash windows... its against microsoft... and they do MUCH MUCH more than Windows

Teh Mane Mahn... I came to this site, not because I hate windows xp, rather, because I am very much against the business practices and arrogance of Microsft as a company.
As with any open forum, you will find those who have a head on their shoulders and offer viable arguements and support interesting discussion. You will also find total idiots who have climbed on the linux bandwagon because they seem to so desperatly need to "belong".  One track mind. Name calling. I dont think the origional purpose of this forum was to attempt to promote linux or any other OS as being better than windows.  Its like comparing apples and oranges.  All serve a different, and in some cases, speciallized purpose.  Most (or all) of the serious posters on here are adamently against Microsofts business practices, as am I.  That will be their down fall. Not thier inability to produce a good OS


quote:Some useless ones arose, as well. System crashes, for example, are only apparent in the uninitiated. For some reason, me, my friends, and a whole lotta others on the Internet don't have these system crashes.
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why don't you just fuck off?
if you spent your time doing anything other than playing minesweeper, you would notice those system crashes all the time. do you and your so called friends actually switch on your computers?

do you feel threatened by the existence of people who use a different computer operating system than you? that's fucking ridiculous! it hardly impacts on someone's character what OS they choose to run does it? (well, after reading your posts i'm not too sure...)

you can use windows until you die of old age for all i care but don't come acting as if we said you should stop. in case you missed it, this site is mostly pro-having-a-choice.
In a nutshell:
M$ wants you to have no choice and use only their OS.
We say you should use any OS you want and nobody stop you.
(we also say M$ are a bunch of selfish arseholes but since you seem to focus on the stability/reliability thing more, i'll leave the capitalist moneybags thing alone for now)

This in mind, *you* tell *me* why anybody here would want to try and stop you using windows? it's your loss after all.
If you want to try another OS, go for it. On your head be it. You don't have to have somebody tell you what to do all the time, although maybe that's what you think after prolonged exposure to M$ propoganda.
Remember you can still use windows... AS WELL if you want....

.......Microsoft sux.........


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