Author Topic: Wasted the time idiot who tried to access my PC remotely.  (Read 7339 times)


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What do you do when you get one of those random phone calls from some moron in a crappy country offering to fix your PC remotely?

I played along with it to see what would happen.

Firstly they asked me to turn on my PC and run event viewer to scare me able the errors on my PC, claiming they were malware.

Then they directed me to various sites to get me to download some remote desktop software to give them access to my PC. Surprisingly none of this was malware but genuine remote access software. Firstly they directed me to use Ammyy but I deliberately gave them the wrong access codes, than they tried Teamviewer and again I gave them incorrect codes.

They kept telling me I was giving the wrong code but I maintained they're correct. After a few times, I told them to fuck off and I'm not stupid enough to give them remote access to my PC and allow them to steal my personal information or install malware. I expected them to hang up but they kept the line open for 16 minutes, allowing me to verbally abuse them. lol   They said, "Oh this is going to cost you £250" I said  "no you fucking moron, you'll find you called me so you're going to pay for the call and I won't close the line, go on hang up on me!" They still didn't hang up for ages - morons!

I wasted a total of 36 minutes of their time which made my day. I don't care, I'm unemployed and have nothing better to do with my life and at least they couldn't have bothered others whilst I was talking to them.

Next time, I'm going to boot up XP in VirtualBox and go along with it to see what they'd do. I may even play around by rebooting, once they've got remote access to the box. That would be fun.
« Last Edit: 18 August 2013, 20:20 by Aloone_Jonez »
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Re: Wasted the time idiot who tried to access my PC remotely.
« Reply #1 on: 18 August 2013, 03:18 »
I have images of Windows 3.11,  OS/2 Warp, and QNX ready for them, so I hope they will call me one day (they probably will).

Also, you wasted their time too, so great job :)

For more inspiration, you should watch some of this:

Awesome how he just leads them on for 30 minutes.
« Last Edit: 18 August 2013, 12:15 by Refalm »


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Wasted the time idiot who tried to access my PC remotely.
« Reply #2 on: 31 August 2013, 15:09 »
I never have experienced a phone call like that either in the US or Egypt.  However, about a half hour ago a guy actually brought what was either a 386 or 486 running at 33mhz asking me if I could fix it.  I guess he got it for free from someone.  I told him the  computer is probably older than he is.  Thing is, I couldn't have even fixed it if I wanted to since I don't even have a floppy drive I could put DOS on unless I ripped the one out of it and stuck it in my Linux box -- assuming it even works.