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are there any free oses that have the compatiblity windows has? i know linux has WinE, but i'm told that that has limits. i would like to remove all things microsoft from my computer, but this looks unrealistic. i have redhat and windows2000, but i have to say that windows is my primary OS, something i'm not proud of...

Master of Reality:
there is many Linux alternatives for most of the windows products.

Office= OpenOffice, Koffice
Mail= Pine, kmail, lots of others

i know there are alternatives to applications, but (and i've seen on this site that 'games' are not considered to be important enough to be considered, or at least this is the impression i got from the feedback page) what i would like to know is if there are any OSes that are compatible for games made for windows.

The new upcoming version of Lycoris is to incorporate the transgaming technology into its OS.  Why not try that?

If you don't like that you can still install (transgaming) on other non win machines, like an apple for example.

I think Xandros would be a better deal than Lycoris.
I also think this is not what he's looking for  

If you want to play games but don't want to put up with Windows you should try a Mac, there are not as many games for Mac as there are for Windows but definitely more than for Linux.
I believe that if one day we want more games available for Linux we should support companies that port their titles to Linux.
Companies like Id Software and Epic already do that but I realize fps aren't everything to some people  :D


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