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quote:Originally posted by Ex Eleven / b0b 2.1:
Urm Calum theres cygwin, so you can run any Unix app on Windows (With Source). But you should just get the ports of games to Linux. And WineX!
--- End quote ---

yeah but windows is internally unstable and doesn't support any decent filesystem, so you probably ca<n't do half the things you could do if you were running the programs in linux, am i right?

besides, why bother when linux is free anyway?

heh...speaking about linux being free........i've been trying to get redhat 8.0, but everytime i have my friend dl (he has a cable modem, i have dial-up) the ISO's, something goes wrong. first, i gave him a link to the main redhat site dl, but he said that it was dling extremely slow (which i expected since it was just released), so he left it running overnight, and he found that it had stopped completely at 7%. Then i gave him a link to a mirrored site, but when he got the first ISO done dling, he couldn't burn it (i don't know exactly what the error was, but the file registered as 0 kb, when he deffinatly downloaded a very large file...still kinda puzzeled at that one...). I am going to have him try to dl from tonight, and tell him to use getright and see what happens.

can anyone tell me why some of these ISO's aren't working (i haven't even mentioned the RH7.3, Slack8 problems yet), or where a more reliable source to get the iso's are?

please help. i am new to linux, and i am having a hard time getting everything i need. i bought a book "learning red hat linux" that came w/ redhat 7.2, and so far, that is the only distro that i have gotten to work on my computer

voidmain: is usually swamped with ISO downloaders so it is usually best to download it from an alternate site (depending on your region of the world). Can't tell you which mirror is the best, you just have to start a download and if the transfer rates suck, try a different one. Not sure what the problem is with your CDs but it would be wise to check this over really closely:

Good luck!

ok, thanks...hopefully this time my iso's will work : )

can 2 computers (one w/ windows, one with linux using wineX) connect to each other in a game? i remember seeing (years ago) in half-life linux games that i could not join. was this only b/c they made a linux version of the game, or that the wine or wineX wasn't good enough to allow these 2 oses to connect in a game, or isn't this even possible



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