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From reading up on the half-life forums at web site it would appear that you should have no problem playing on-line:

But then I don't play Windows games or use Wine/WineX. I can tell you I have no problem playing native Linux games (Quake and UT) with other users no matter what OS they run the game under.

don't know. i'm answering your last question:
i have heard that voidmain's link is good, but i would strongly suggest that you consider getting red hat 8.0 cds (or some other distro) cheaply (probably cost price) via a local mail order company. This saves you having to download and burn the buggers yourself.

NTFS is a secret proprietary filesystem that cannot be read and written to by any operating systems other than Microsoft windows NT, Microsoft windows 2000 and Microsoft windows xp. You tell me how that's good. To me, it's useless, at least fat32 can be read and written to in linux, even if it doesn't support permissions, saving a time stamp with the document et cetera et cetera.

[ October 31, 2002: Message edited by: Calum-21.2 ]


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