All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Ok, maybe Im a linux purist, but Lycoris looks like they are trying to copy XP, and I mean that in a bad way. I dont know what window manager that is, but Im guessing its a modified version of kde with a heavy ass XP theme. At least mandrake still feels like linux, but is just as easy to use. Where is the innovation? Why copy the XP gui when you can create something better. My suggestion Is Mandrake 9, and download WineX. It costs a little money, but I read that it can work with Max Payne.
i was/am getting redhat 8, but where do i dl wineX?
Get WineX here.
siplus, the fact that you can run win32 applications at all on a non windows system is a bonus. try running a linux program on windows and see how far you get.
As for games, they are just as important on linux as any other platform, it's just that the webmaster's opinion (and he is a mac user by the way) is that if you want to play games, then buy a playstation, and there's a lot to be said for that.
also, linux is just as compatible as windows, and in many cases is even more so, however if you are dead set on running windows programs rather than alternatives, then you will probably have to keep using windows. otherwise, just install your red hat, and a lot of the free programs that come with it, and try them all out!
quote:Originally posted by Siplus:
i would like to remove all things microsoft from my computer
--- End quote ---
Nice step pal. i'll follow you soon :D
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