All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

What is this aspnet_user account?

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I'm in User Accounts and I see this thing. What is it and why is it here? Will it compromise my security?

I guess this is what I get for listening to my friend when he told me to install everything that microsoft offers on the updates site and the xp installation disk.


quote: Will it compromise my security?
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yeah, XP will compromise your security  :D  
i would get rid of any user you didn't create. then i would suggest the
or better yet, upgrade to the latest os from.....


quote:Originally posted by VerdeJester:
I'm in User Accounts and I see this thing. What is it and why is it here? Will it compromise my security?
--- End quote ---

yes. and so will everything else you have installed that was made by microsoft, including the "operating" system.
quote:I guess this is what I get for listening to my friend when he told me to install everything that microsoft offers on the updates site and the xp installation disk.
--- End quote ---

your friend needs to have his computer taken away until he grows some sense. No offence intended.
The only way to avoid any of microsoft's famous security violations (intentional or unintentional on their part) is not to have any microsoft software on your machine. since they made the operating system you are running you will need to get your arse in gear if you're serious about security. Myself, i use red hat (see link in last post) and i used to use mandrake and there are a shitload of other operating systems out there that do not have the security issues that windows and other microsoft software has, plus you get the peace of mind, with a linux system, of knowing that microsoft have never yet released any software for your system, and they have no plans to.

My computer doesn't run any software from microsoft at the moment and i am happy for it to stay that way, as i know i am much more secure than i ever was with windows.

Sometimes I just can't believe the massive "unknowingness" of people....  :eek:  
They are so gullible.....

they come that way from the factory. you need to hack their source code to get them to be open minded.


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