All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
"Leave Windows 9X behind"
Thats probably a bit skewed by the "type" of people that visit - you wont be showing a wide demographic. And one month is a very small sample time. Google has browser and os stats somewhere i think...
still, it's windows with at least 80% of the share of hits on that site over one month. that's got to be within a certain margin of error, but still, you can't dispute it.
Don't Opera and Konqueror have set the UA standard on Internet Explorer? That might explain it...
that guy is full of it. I still use Win98SE and trust me, theres nothing I cant buy in hardware or software. they all support win98SE.
quote:Originally posted by mattymanx:
that guy is full of it. I still use Win98SE and trust me, theres nothing I cant buy in hardware or software. they all support win98SE.
--- End quote ---
Do you use anything besides Windows 98, or do we have to convert you
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